I was asked a question today, "what was the worst movie you have ever seen?" Now I have seen a lot of movies in my life, most of them have been to my enjoyment, but on a rare occasion I see a movie that leaves me with the feeling of "why did I ever waste my money on that?" We all have had this wonderful experience with Hollywood, and we can never know when to expect it. Now I don't want to focus so much on the crappy quality of a movie. I want to dig a little deeper and explore the avenues of how Hollywood has totally destroyed the awesomeness (I know this isn't a real word, but the rules of American English allow for it) of old school cartoons and comics. Yes, it is a touchy subject, and I know there will be few that agree with what I have to say, but this needs to be said. If you have any objections feel free to comment.
Going on, this summer has been a huge let down, for me at least, when it came to those movies that decided to try and emulate the beauty and prestige of the cartoons and comics that I grew up with as a kid. Let me just list a few: Spiderman, Superman, Fantastic Four, Transformers... you get the idea. Now many people thought that these movies were huge blockbusters of the summer, but in my minds eye, they were totally out of sync with the original versions. Take for instance Spiderman. In the second one they couldn't even get Doc Oc's outfit right. Come on yellow and green spandex may look tacky, but it was priceless. You can't take that away. And to say the least, Tobey and Kirsten weren't exactly the best Peter Parker and Mary Jane.
I could go on about each movie, but I wanted to focus on one in particular, and that is Transformers. Most of you are wondering what I could possibly have against a movie that did so well in theaters. There is a lot that was wrong with it, and I'm sure that any hardcore Transformers fan will say the same as I, that it didn't live up to its potential. I mean, yea, you have the characters and all, but they weren't the same. The personalities of the decepticons were way off (i.e. you never saw Starscream's desire to take over decepticon command) among other things. My list is huge. The autobot's personalities were a bit closer, but still off. Jazz was the only one I think that was even remotely close to his original character as portrayed in the 80's cartoon series. Even still I think they went a little extreme with him, and they even killed him off...lame. That was another thing that I wasn't to keen on was how easily everyone was dying. And come on, how utterly unclimatic is Sam (Shia LaBeouf) pushing the all spark up in to Megatron instead of Optimus? One more thing, his name is Spike, not Sam. And another thing, what is this all spark? There was no such thing in the original. Yea, the Transformers parallel to a soul is called a spark, but that's it. No one thing that creates stuff. Besides the Transformers were created by the Quintessons, not an all spark.
Another beef I had with the movie was how they used names of Transformers that didn't even fit. To name a few, Devastator was the six construticons put together, not a tank. And Bonecrusher was part of the constructicon team (the bulldozer), not an army transport vehicle. And where do they get off making the police car a decepticon???? That persona is for Prowl, an autobot. I was really disappointed with that one annoying little decepticon Frenzy. They totally yanked him off the pedestal that I had him on. In the original cartoon frezny is one of my favorites, and the movie just ripped him to shreds. Oh and another thing, Megatron is a gun, not a "cybertronian jet." Also, they messed up Optimus Prime's face. You never saw his mouth in the original. Come on it's not that hard.
I could go on and on with the never-ending list of hatred and utter disappointment that I have with this movie. That is why I am placing it as the worst movie I have ever seen. Not because it was just a waste of film, but because of the name that it didn't live up to. I will always hold forever in my heart the original Transformers movie. It is my top movie of all time. To think my favorite movie, and the one I hate the most, are about the same thing. Ironic. So in the end, we see how Hollywood perverts the true character of the comic/cartoon genre. The only movie in this category that was any good was Batman. Now there was a great movie that the director did a good job on. I want to give him props, and I hope that the new Batman movie coming out next summer is just as good. If there were ever to be a sequel to the Transformers movie, I don't know if I'd go see it because it might just destroy the images of some of the greatest heroes of my childhood. Some may say that I am clinging on to something of the past, but I believe that the old school will always beat out the new age stuff that is coming out these days. I feel sorry for what kids have to view these days. But that is an argument that can be saved for a later time.