I decided that because I am bored right now, and I have nothing better to do seeing as my laptop is broken right now (otherwise I would be playing a SNES rpg game) that I would reflect back on the past few months of my life. The reason I titled this blog "a new beginning" is because I got married this past summer to my lovely wife, Cassandra. We found each other at no other than the infamous Pizza Hut in Provo. She was actually my manager, but that's not important. What's important is that I would like to say how interesting it is to be a married man. It is a little difficult going from a single, not a care in the world, life to one where I am not single, and only have a couple cares in the world. The transition hasn't been that hard, even though I do think it will take time to get completely comfortable with the situation. There are, however, many benefits to being married. I wont' go into them, but I can say that the extracurricular activities that my wife and I are involved in are pretty amazing.
On another note, I am reading this book for my biology class called "Voodoo Science." It is actually a good read so far. I enjoy the author's humor and the way he points out how some things that people think are science really aren't. One of the things that he points out is the reason we are building a space station. None really other than the fact that it looks cool. In the beginning it was to make new medicine and new alloys, etc, etc. But we aren't doing that. We are just spending lots of money in order to keep the space program alive. Another thing he talks about is homeopathic medicine. From what I read it sounds like it is just placebo. I mean the dilution that they use for it basically says that you will be lucky to find one molecule of the drug in the solution. That really sounds like it will help me get better. There are a many other good things that he points out, but there are just too many for me to write about. I could spend all day doing it, and trust me, I would enjoy it. But I don't have the time.
I don't know, life is an interesting thing. We are constantly learning new things, and yet some of the things that we learn aren't truth. That's what we need to look out for. For example, why do raccoons wash their food before they eat it. Some would have you believe it is because they have no salivary glands, so they need to moisten the food. But taken from the experience of a man who has seen with his own eyes (not me, but the author of Voodoo Science), raccoons have just as much ability to salivate as Pavlov's dogs. Interesting don't you think? So what is true, and what isn't. Well you can take comfort in the fact that the scientific method works. If you are in doubt just test the hypothesis. You'll get some kind of answer in the end.