This semester at college I took a course that was, well let's just say that it was fun. I had a really good time in it because basically all I had to do in the class was work with computer applications. The name of the class is "Communications in Geology" (seeing as geology is my major), but I just think that it is a front for geology majors having a good time. The real title of the class should be, "Having fun with your tuition dollar" Seriously, if you don't have fun in this class you are a boring person. If anything learning how to use Adobe Photoshop so you can do practically anything you want to a picture is one of the most useful skills you learn in the class. Yea, we went through basically all of Microsoft Office apps, but there were some pretty neat shortcuts that I learned that will save me a lot of time, plus I learned how to make a 4 1/2 page paper be 5 pages.

I also got to work with a beast of a program called ArcGIS. It is basically a mapping program that lets you do some pretty amazing stuff. At the beginning when I was learning it it was like I was learning a second languauge, well third actually because I already learned how to speak cambodian as a second language. But once you start getting it down you can make some pretty cool maps. The map over to your left is one that I made using the program. Pretty sweet huh? Don't you just wish that you were a geology major now?
I think one of the best things that I learned in the class, though, is something that my instructor told us, "If you don't feel like swearing, you aren't learning anything." Very practical knowledge that I am going to take with me to my grave. It was those times that I felt like ripping my hair out and screaming at the top of my lungs where I learned the most. The things you figure out of frustration are the things that you are going to remember most. I speak from personal experience. I am a delivery boy for Pizza Hut, and those addresses that I get lost trying to find are the ones that I will never forget. During the times of me letting out a few choice words and trying to reorient myself so I can deliver the pizza, I am remembering every turn so that it will never happen again.
Overall I would like to say that it was a very good course. The structure of it was very organized, and it provided me a basic knowledge of some of the programs that I will be using as a geology major. I am very excited now that I am more prepared to be able to write and publish research papers . And what makes it even better is the fact that my instructor plays WoW. I love video games! So props to you Kirsten, job well done.
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