Sunday, October 28, 2007


One of the cool things about being creative is coming up with ways to pull pranks on people. I find this to be a fun thing to do because it allows me to express myself in a way that most people have a hard time doing. Of course there is a fine line between having fun and crossing the line into the extreme where people might end up getting hurt. I'm not for that, but a little harmless act is fair game.

When I was younger my brothers and I had an interesting prank that we pulled on each other multiple times throughout our childhood. When we were younger there were two rooms and four of us, so there were two of us in each room. Usually it my younger brother, Brenden, and I that slept in the same room, and my other two brothers slept in the other one. At night Brenden and I would sneak in to the other room and put up toilet paper all over the room so that when Garrett and Dustin woke up they would get all tangled up in toilet paper. A couple of nights later they would retaliate back with the same gesture. My parents were not fond of this exhibition of brotherly love since it was a "waste" of toilet paper. It was fun while it lasted though.

Over my college career I have had some pretty fun room mates and we have come up with some pretty fun ideas for pranks. One time we took around this blow up cardboard things of George W. Bush that was sitting in our apartment hall and we took it around sticking it up in people's windows. It was a fun time until someone asked us for the blow up back. Another prank that we pulled was popping a whole bunch of popcorn and spreading it on someone's floor, and to put the cherry on top of the cake we put a goldfish in their toilet. Good times had by all.

One of the pranks that I have been wanting to do for the longest time is getting a duck, putting it in a box, then placing that box on someone's door and when they open it up the duck runs into their house. That, to me, would be amazing. I have so many opportunities to catch a duck as well since every time I walk up to school there is a slew of them at this pond. A man can dream.

So as long as you are having some harmless fun go ahead and pull a prank on someone. It is a creative art that not many people like to explore. Life is about having fun, and what's the use of having fun if you can't drag some other people into it as well?

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