One of the recreations that has been on the decline lately is that of reading. More and more kids are turning to videogames and other sources for entertainment. This is a sad thing because there are a lot of good books out there to read, and they are very stimulating to the mind. It has been awhile since I made it through a book, but I did start reading one over the summer. Unfortunately I couldn't finish it because I had to head up to school before I was even a quarter of the way through it. I am a huge fan of science fiction and fantasy novels because that is what I feel stimulates my mind the most.
As of late, since I haven't really had much time to read anything (seeing as I am reading my textbooks and studying) I have taken to reading online walkthroughs on gamefaqs.com. Right now I am reading some walkthrough facts on sidequests to Final Fantasy 12. It is quite amusing to see how the writer did certain things, and my strategies for the same thing. One day when I was at work I was so bored that I read the whole walkthrough for Super Metroid. It was fun, but I wish that I had had something better to do.
So what I guess I'm trying to get across is that we as a society need to read more. I have read many books over my life (mainly because in high school I had to read 1,200 pages a semester) but it was good for me. I feel that every time that you open a book it should be like you are starting (or continuing) an adventure. The one thing that makes a good book for me is if I can relate to the character, and get in their shoes for a bit. That is why I like playing RPG games because for most of the ones that I have played it actually feels like I'm right there alongside the characters experiencing what they go through with them. It's fun for me at least. And who knows, maybe if you read a book, you'll get an idea of your own that you will publish someday.
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