Thursday, December 20, 2007

The Weekend Before Finals

The weekend before finals is an interesting time of year for students in colleges around the country, probably world at that. It comes down to the time when you can't procrastinate any longer, and you have to start studying for those dreaded finals that you aren't prepared for. I know that I have been in this spot for a few semesters now. But, I always think it is interesting to see how students cope with this time of year. A select few, the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday before their finals start, feel that if they study that they will be able to do well on their finals. Me, personally, I don't think that this is a very good thing to do. I am in that 90% who take this rare opportunity to play and stay up really late. My first semester up at college some people in my apartment building and I figured out that we all played DotA, so we got together on the lan network and played it for hours, even during finals week. It was amazing. I have found that even if you do study that your brain won't retain all of the information that you pump in to it anyways. I figure it's either you get it or you don't. So my approach to taking finals is to study a couple hours before by going over my notes that I have taken all year. For the most part this strategy has worked for me. There have been a few classes where studying wouldn't have helped out at all because I would have done poorly anyways. That's the way it goes sometimes.

I try not to make this time of year stressful for me, because stress just makes everything worse. That is why I take the time to play instead of locking myself in the library mulling over books and notes. First off, I try to avoid the library as much as possible because to me it symbolizes focus and study, two things which I don't like to do at all. I'm glad that I have a semi-photographic memory, so I remember a lot of the things that I learn in class which really helps me out a lot. But I am just one person among the sea of kids who call themselves students. Each person has their own system that works for them. If that system is to study the weekend before finals, then that's the way it is, as flawed as it may be. Also, I just think it is an excuse that girls use to get out of dating guys that they aren't really interested in. Just an observation that I'm throwing out there, but it is true, I think.

So here's to you college students who have to put up with this dreaded time of year. Don't sweat it, if you fail you can always retake the course next semester with a different instructor. Remember, don't stress out about finals, because that only makes your situation worse. Take time to go outside and play. Throw the football around with your buddies, or if you aren't in to that, stroll around the mall with you gal pals. Whatever you do, don't waste a perfectly good weekend studying, or cramming at the very last minute. The best thing you can do is study the night before. Your brain will remember more. So there are just a few tips of how to study for a final. And remember, this time of year only lasts for a week, so it gets over pretty quick. And there is always a bonus at the end of it, either winter break, or summer vacation. Good luck to you all!

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